Children's Homes

Ministry News

We find ourselves at a standstill with a couple of our cases.  In May of last year, we received two children from the local PANI office in Limón.  Derik is an 11 year old boy who has been waiting for 2 years for his case to be resolved.  That branch is the only office that works on behalf of the children in that jurisdiction; and as such, they have only one attorney fighting for children's rights.  Susana is a 1-1/2 year old baby girl whose mother is an addict, and she has been apprehended for selling her other children for sex.  During the month of May, we have been communicating with the Limón office and it appears that the  attorney has been lax in moving the kids cases.  We have expressed our concern that Derik will be 12 in September and he still hasn’t been declared abandoned.  The older he gets the slimmer his chances become for being adopted. Susana is dark skinned and precious.  She can be placed with a family as an “adoption at risk.”  This is when the adoptive family assumes her even though she has yet to be declared abandoned.  In these cases, the judge has to be very sure that the child will not return to any member of the biological family.  Because of her family history, it’s very probable that she will never go back to them.  So we are asking that she go ahead and be placed so as not to negate her right to have a family.  We have had to get our PANI supervisor involved now, since the local office is not moving forward with the cases.  Please pray for favor and for God’s timing for Derik and Susan’s cases to be resolved, and for them to be placed with loving families.

Last month, we shared a little bit about our girl Guadalupe.  We told you that she was being evaluated from head to toe at the children’s hospital.  After undergoing CAT scans, heart exams, blood work, and more, her tests came out perfectly!  There is nothing organically wrong with her!

As for the evaluation at the special education school, we have heard “unofficially” that they did not accept her.  Please, please pray for wisdom on how to educate her here in a system that isn’t set up for kids like her.  We can’t help but think that God has a plan for this lil’ girl.


Ministry News

Recently, while working through a delightful devotional on the women of Genesis, the study’s focus was on Isaac and Rebekah’s courtship and marriage.  In Genesis 24, Eliezer (Abraham’s servant) begged brother Laban and Bethuel (her father) to let him go away to his master because God had prospered his journey.  They in turn, asked Rebekah what she thought and she answered, “I will go.”  So they blessed her and sent her on her way.  This story is a portrait of Jesus and His bride, the church.  At the end of the devotional there was a wedding vow written out.  The directions asked you to write your name in the space and repeat the vows as if you were saying them to Christ: Will you ___, take Jesus to be your God-given husband in this covenant of marriage?  Will you love Him?  Will you honor Him?  And forsaking all others live only unto Him for all of eternity?  

After attending Stephen, Jr. & Kendra’s wedding last month, these words really hit home.  They speak of covenant, love, honor, and faithfulness.  Take a minute and ponder whether or not you are fulfilling your promise to the Lord.  If not, renew your vows to Him and choose to live “head over heals” in love with the lover of your soul!

In our last newsletter, we shared about Brayner, a 1 year old we received back in November.  His mother is serving a 5 year 4 month prison sentence and is seeking visitation with the toddler.  Fortunately, PANI told her that they would not be able to grant those visits.  However, his mother has offered a family resource (his grandmother) as a possible option to take custody of the boy.  The judge ordered that a psychologist and social worker in the court system do an evaluation on this person.  We heard that she was interviewed and is now awaiting a visit from the social worker in order to complete her home study.  After talking to the case worker in PANI, she says that the grandmother does not have the resources to care for the baby adequately.  Plus, she is the guardian to 2 of Brayner’s older brothers.  Pray that God would intervene so that his case can be resolved soon.

Another important prayer request is for siblings Stuard and Josua.  These brothers have been declared abandoned by the government, however; their mother has appealed the decision and the case has gone to a higher court.  We are waiting to see if the 3 judges that review the case will uphold the ruling of the lower court.  If so, the boys file will go directly to adoptions and they will await new parents.  Please pray that God’s will be done!

We continue working diligently with Guadalupe, a 6 year old we received last August.  We had mentioned before her sketchy background where physical aggression was a “normal” part of her life.  This little girl has been the most difficult case we have ever received in all of our history!  She came in biting, hitting, kicking, and scratching everyone from kids to adults.  She was thrown out of the daycare and not allowed to return without an assistant.  Thankfully, Angie Crawford, one of our long term missionaries, stepped up to the plate.  She committed to assist Guadalupe until the end of the year.  During this time, we saw vast improvement in her behavior.  In December, we sought out the help of an occupational therapist and a behavioral therapist.  She goes to therapy once a week for two hours.  In February, Lupe started first grade and it has been a disaster!  Our house parents began receiving notes from the teacher about her conduct in class.  Guadalupe had regressed and began hitting her classmates and the teacher.  She even had an episode where she turned over the desks in the classroom!  Inevitably, the school would call our house parents and they would have to pick her up an hour or so after school started.  We finally called a meeting with the Director of the school, her teacher, and our local PANI office.  We needed some kind of intervention on her behalf.  The school didn’t want her anymore and she has a right to get an education.  We had a dilemma on our hands.  What to do?  We decided to get some medical exams administered at the children’s hospital to determine whether or not she has some kind of condition that we were unaware of.  The exams are still in progress.  Her school file was sent to the Ministry of Education and she has been approved to be evaluated for a special education school in Cartago.  The evaluation will be done over 4 sessions.  We pray that the Lord will open the doors for Lupe to get a quality education and hopefully be integrated into a “normal” school next year.  Guadalupe has been a challenge for us, but we have learned so much from her.  The Lord is teaching us to love unconditionally, serve wholeheartedly, and give passionately even when we are stretched beyond our limit or comfort zone.

On April 1, 2004 (April Fool’s Day), we opened the doors to the homes.  We didn’t fully realize what we were getting into.  During the past 12 years, we have rescued and served 91 children, who would have otherwise been institutionalized in public homes or ended up God only knows where.  Charles Stanley once said: “The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.”   We encourage you to continue praying for the children.  We do not think that it is by chance that they end up here.  We believe that God has brought each one to our doorstep and that He is their Father, protector, and provider.  Thanks to all of you who support this ministry through your love, prayers, and gifts.  You are helping make a difference in each little life!

Mininstry News

Jesus declares in John chapter 15 that He is the true vine, we are his branches, and Father God is the vinedresser who prunes us so that we can bear more fruit.  In this segment, Jesus is challenging his followers on how to get the most out of their lives in order to impact His Kingdom in an even greater way.  God is always looking to get the best results out of us that He can.  Sometimes, however; because of sin in our lives, we hinder the work God wants to do.  It’s important to repent, submit to His will, and produce a good harvest.  Thoughtfully and prayerfully we should examine in detail whether or not we are producing “No fruit,” “some fruit,” or “much fruit” for His glory! We have breaking news with regards to Anthony and his little sister Aislinn.  In December, they were given the surprising news that they had been paired with a family.  Their adoptive parents are from South Carolina.  Their father is an Assistant Pastor and mother stays home to care for the kids.  They have two younger siblings, a brother and a sister (both biological children of their parents).  Over the Christmas break, the siblings began communicating via SKYPE with their new family.  At the end of January, the big day finally arrived … they met Mom, Dad, Luke, and Evie.  It was a sweet reunion to be sure.   Once a bond began forming, the social worker gave the green light to leave the project for good.  They will be in Costa Rica for the next month or so until they have their hearing with the judge, get their paperwork processed, and passports ready for their return home.

We are convinced that “Prayer moves the hand of God” and that there is nothing more important than sowing time on your knees!  Thanks for being a part of these lil’ lives!

Team Season Begins!

Delayed by a HUGE snowstorm, our friends from Love & Truth Church in Jackson, TN finally made it here!  During their time here, they ministered to the children in the homes by taking them on a field trip to La Paz Waterfall Gardens.  It was such a special treat for the kids!  Each child was paired up with a team member and enjoyed the day seeing the sights, enjoying good food and fellowship.  Thanks Love & Truth for blessing our kids in such a loving, tangible way! In the butterfly conservatory

Christmas Cheer!

Today we celebrated Christmas with both our tico/gringo staff.  It was super fun!  We all pitched in for the “eats, ” which included chicken wings, mashed potatoes, baked beans, cole slaw, topped off with coconut cream pie!  Delicious!  Afterwards we all participated in the “Amigo Secreto” (secret friend).  We had all previously drawn names and had to buy a gift for that person.  In order to give the gift, you had to describe the person you had purchased it for, which made for a fun and interesting afternoon!  We are so thankful for the amazing personnel God has given us to work with!  Merry Christmas everyone!

Ministry News

Greetings from a very rainy Costa Rica.  Rainy season started with a dud, but is finishing with a vengeance.  However, it does produce a very beautiful, tropical paradise. As most of you know, we are quickly putting the finishing touches on the roof of the multipurpose building  This will bring Phase I to a close.  It is hard to put into words how excited we are to be closing a chapter, after almost 13 years.  It has been quite the ride as we have been witnesses to God’s supernatural provision.  For anyone who would like to come, we will be celebrating the inauguration of the new building on Nov. 28, 2015.

Finishing Phase I has now put us in a place where we can concentrate all of our efforts on developing Phase II.  This new phase will include an additional four children’s homes, office space, a bridge, and new parking.

We have spent the majority of this year working on securing building permits.  This has turned out to be a monumental task as it has required us to complete a series of studies and evaluations.  This past week, we were able to submit the entire package of studies to the Environmental Agency for their approval.  We are hoping and praying that we will have an answer from them in 4-6 weeks.

To have building permits in hand, we are looking at a pretty hefty sum of money.  We still owe $8,000 to the architect and approximately another $5K-$10K to cover the costs charged by the different governmental agencies for the permits.

Please pray and ask if God would have you participate financially.  We are confident that He will reveal exactly what you need to do.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly.  Thank you for believing in what God has called us to do.  We pray that He blesses your faithfulness to Him!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

We are so pleased to announce that Isaac, Roberto, Sharon, and Sol now have a new adoptive family!  At the beginning of August, the case worker came out to share the good news with the kids.  They were stunned to find out that there was a family for them from the States.  Needless to say, the children were elated!  During the following weeks, the case worker continued working with the children to prepare them for their adoption.  The kids did great handling the news, despite their ages and possible concerns about leaving.  Isaac mentioned one day that he was super happy about the news, but that he was also sad to leave the project, since this is where he had spent a good deal of his childhood.  We were all grappling with mixed feelings!  It’s what we’ve worked for.  These siblings had been here the longest ...7 years, and very soon they would be leaving us.  In September, the children finally met their new family.  Milton and Lisa are super parents!  They have 4 grown biological children, they have adopted 3 kids in the U.S., and are now adopting our four kids.  The first encounter between the parents and children was sweet, as they huddled together and prayed over their new family.  The kids spent several days getting to know Mom & Dad and on Monday, September 14th, they left the children’s home.  The following weeks were spent creating memories and forming bonds with each other.  October 2nd was the big day,  the hearing with the judge, where the adoption was made legal and binding!

We wanted to share this testimony since so many of you have met the siblings personally or have known of their story.  Everyone recognizes (even the Costa Rican government) that this adoption is special.  For 2 pre-adolescent (the girls) and 2 adolescent (the boys) siblings to be adopted is nothing short of a miracle!  We are so thankful to everyone who has prayed for these kids from the very beginning.  Most importantly, we praise the Lord for taking care of them during this long journey and never letting go!  His faithfulness is amazing!  It is a reminder of His stubborn love and zeal for each and every person, no matter their situation.

Ministry News

Please continue praying for possible upcoming adoptions of the Pilarte siblings (4) and Anthony and Aislinn (brother/sister).  Everything is proceeding as it should, just slowly.  It really does teach us the art of being longsuffering, because if we had things our way, we’d speed things along!  We rest in the fact that God’s timing is always perfect and right on time! Over the past month, the kids have enjoyed a nice two week mid-year break.  They have been busy with special activities in the daycare and with our teams.  This year, we had a team skilled in the Korean martial art of Taekwondo, all black belts, give a presentation to the kids in the homes.  Needless to say, we had to remind the children that this was not something they needed to try out on each other!  But nonetheless, it was lots of fun!

Every month, we have a sit down session with the house parents and the psychologist to talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly of each one of the children placed in our care.  This is a very necessary step, one in which provides us, as directors, a glimpse into the everyday lives of our house parents and their interactions with the children.  There are times that our hearts are pained at the mere fact of their storied past, a past that reveals the many hurts perpetrated against them.  Sometimes these wounds are actual physical conditions, but so many are things that leave a lasting scar internally.  It is not that difficult to change an unhappy face into one with a huge smile, but to repair a broken spirit is a much more challenging task.  This is where we find ourselves many times.  Each case and each child is so different, each one requiring a very specific plan of action to bring restoration.  This process can last for a few months, and sometimes even years.  Is it frustrating...absolutely it is, both for the child and equally for the caregivers (house parents, directors, psychologist, and even teachers).  It is a process which requires God to divinely intervene.  We need His wisdom throughout the process, giving us answers from above.  Without Him walking alongside of us, we are absolutely and utterly lost.  It should be noted that the victory has already been won at the Cross of Calvary.  We are in need of being reminded of this very fact every single day.  He awaits us (children & caregivers) with open arms, freely accepting the help that God unreservedly offers.  This is where the Holy Spirit comes into play as He gently nudges and encourages us child in the perfect plan that God has for us.

In the daily grind of working with children, it is so encouraging to be reminded of the fact that God promised He would be a Father to the fatherless, a perfect Father nonetheless.  We rest in this assurance that He will do what He needs to do, when He needs to do it, and how He needs to do it.  Therein lies our hope eternal, Almighty God, who has already secured the victory for us, even though we are undeserving.  Thank you Lord!  Our discouragement in the long, arduous journey can be changed into a life of encouragement as we keep our eyes centered on Him and His promises.  The problems do not just disappear, as this is just part of life where one problem is replaced by another or one child leaves the homes, only to be replaced by another child, but with a different set of promises.  No, the problems do not disappear, but rather they fade into the distant in comparison to God Almighty, our Creator, our Beginning and End, our Provider, our Comforter, and like so many other roles, our Savior.

In closing, there is an encouraging story that we would like to share with you.  During our last monthly meeting, tio Aaron (house daddy) showed us a video that he had taken of the children singing, dancing, and doing hand motions as unto the Lord.  One of the boys in particular, one with whom we have had a very trying 3 months with his behavior, was dancing and praising the Lord.  What a joy it brought to our hearts to see him in a totally different light, not the little boy that has brought so much grief, but the little boy who was joyful and content in praising His Creator.  Is this not what we should be about, praising our Father God, despite all of our shortcomings and imperfections?  God awaits us, awaits our expression of love.  The question is how will we respond?

Ministry News

As mentioned before, we continue praying for good news with regards to the Pilarte siblings (4) and Anthony and Aislinn (brother/sister).  One of the home studies was completed, but has been delayed by U.S. immigrations pending additional information.  Meanwhile, the bulk of the file has arrived and is being translated into Spanish as we speak.  The additional information will be sent during the next week or so.  The second family is still in process.  They had a slight delay when they had to expand the age range of the children they are wanting to adopt, however, things are marching along nicely and we are hopeful that all 6 children will be adopted by the end of the year.  Sometimes these things seem to linger, but God’s timing is always perfect! Last month, we received the case study of Derik, a 10 year old by from the Caribbean province of Limón.  He is a boy who has largely been neglected by his biological mother.  He was adopted by a national family, but was returned when they couldn’t manage him and their biological child.  Regrettably, that happens all too often.  While we were in the process of signing the necessary documents for Derik’s arrival into the homes, the social worker received a call that a 6 month old baby she was transporting to a different children’s home would not be received due to her age.  They had already traveled 7 hours from the coast and would have to take Susana back to the public institution she came from.  We quickly talked to house parents, Aaron and Candace, and we decided to take her on the spot!  Susana was removed from her biological mother who suffers from alcoholism and bouts of depression.  She is the  youngest of 5 siblings.  The others are in another institution in the process of being declared abandoned.  The PANI intervened on the baby’s behalf, removing her from her mother at just 2 months, because her mother had been known to sexually exploit the other children.  The plan is to legally separate her from her siblings and declare her abandoned.  Susana sleeps through the night and is adorable!  With all that said, we couldn’t be happier that both Derik and Susana are here with us!

Psalm 27:10:

“When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.”

You are instrumental to God’s Kingdom work here in Costa Rica.  God uses you and us to take care of the needs of these little ones.  Thank you for your unconditional love and support over the years.  God Bless!


Two New Kids Join the Ranks!

Today we were prepared to receive Derik, a 10 year old by from the Caribbean province of Limón.  He is a boy who has largely been neglected by his biological mother.  While we were in the process of signing the necessary documents for his arrival into the homes, the social worker received a call that a 6 month old baby she was transporting to a different children’s home would not be received due to her age.  They had already traveled 7 hours from the coast and they would have to take Susana back to the public institution she was from.  We quickly talked to our house parents and we decided to take her on the spot!  So, today we received two for one!  We couldn’t be happier that both Derik and Susana are here with us!

Sebastián Leaves the A.P.


Today Sebastián left the Abraham Project after being here for 11 months.  His case is one that mover rather quickly through the judicial system.

Last Thursday, his parents Javier and Cindy visited him for the first time.  He made and instant connection with them!   The following morning, he got up looking for, “Mi mamá (my mommy).”  His attachment and bonding period was one of the smoothest, easiest experiences to date.  It was a joy to see this family fall in love with one another.

We will miss our lil’ buddy dearly, but we know he is far happier enjoying life with his new mommy & daddy!

Testimony Time

Roberto was asked to share his testimony in church today.  He agreed.  We are so proud of him.  He used to be incredibly fearful due to experiences in his past, but today he is a stable teenager.  He has grown spiritually and loves the Lord.  Roberto recognizes God's hand in his life.  He is no longer his brother's shadow.  As he shared his testimony, he choked up when he talked about the life lesson he has learned from his past.

He said:  "Even though my parents were the worst parents I could ever have, if given the opportunity to forgive them, I would forgive them."



New Arrivals!

On Friday, April 10th we received brother and sister, Daniel (7 yrs.) and Brithany (5 yrs.).  They are victims of reoccurring physical abuse by their parents.  Their father recently served time for not paying child support to another woman he has a child with.  PANI has moved to suspend visitation with their parents.  We are so happy to have the siblings with us here are the A.P.  We trust that God will heal their wounded hearts and that they will come to know Him in a personal way.

Adopting Ángel!

On Thursday, March 5th, Erick and Lucrecia, a national couple, arrived to meet their adoptive son Ángel for the very first time!  Ángel came to the Abraham Project in November 2013. when he was a mere 5 months old.  It is always a hallmark around here when a child gets place with a loving family.  On March 9th, he left our home in order to go to his new, permanent home a couple hours from here.  We trust that Ángel will enjoy the kind of life that every child should have with a loving family!

Ministry News

We are humbled that so many pray continually for and support the kids in our homes.  Please pray earnestly for a suitable family to adopt Yamil.  He has been with us since July 2013 and has been declared abandoned.  The Office of Adoptions has been promoting his case since February of last year with no interest thus far.  We believe that God is actively interested in his future and that He will provide just the right family for Yamil, in His time! We have good news with regards to the Pilarte siblings (4) and Anthony and Aislinn (brother/sister).  The Office of Adoptions has notified us that there are families interested in these children.  Both families are in the process of completing their home studies in order to be approved for an international adoption.  Please pray that the families will find grace and favor as they work through this process and pray that the kids will be ready for a new transition in their lives.

We are so proud of Isaac and Roberto for completing their elementary education and graduating from 6th grade on December 15, 2014.  Roberto actually had the highest grade point average for his grade.  Both boys have been accepted to a well known high school and will begin classes soon.

Last month, Katherine was adopted by a single mother here in Costa Rica.  Her mother, Marisela, is a pharmacist that works at one of the main hospitals in downtown San José.  Katherine has adjusted nicely to her new home and environment.  We are so thankful that God has provided a caring mother for this amazing little girl!

Before closing, we would like to include a quick update on the matching fund campaign for the multipurpose building roof.  This is something we had shared about in our last newsletter.  If you remember, we received two donations for a total of $186,000 that we are required to match dollar for dollar to receive full benefit.  To date, we have raised a total of $162,000.  Approximately $92K is from the United States and the remainder ($70K) is from local donations.  Please continue to pray as we are still short of our goal.  Once again, God has demonstrated His generosity and His power to provide.  We stand in awe of His continual provision in all that He has called us to do.

Construction on the roof is progressing nicely.  Structural work is now complete and the majority of the roofing material has been installed.  Electricians are working hard to complete their part, then comes the fun of drywall work and painting.  Projected completion date - late 2015.