Ministry News

In our last newsletter, we shared about a couple of cases from the Province of Limón that are literally at a standstill.  In May of last year, we received two children, Derik and Susana, who are waiting for their cases to be resolved.  During the month of May, we had been communicating with the Limón office.  Unfortunately, the  attorney had been lax in moving the kids cases.  On July 14th, we wrote a letter to the Director of the Regional PANI Office in Limón soliciting her intervention.  Since that time, we have received no answer from her.  So, we are moving up the hierarchical ladder in order to have our voice heard.  We have now written another letter expressing our concerns to Management at the main PANI hub in San José.  If they do not respond, we will continue up the chain of command until we have an audience with the President of the organization, if need be!  Please pray for grace and favor as we fight on behalf of Derik and Susana.  God knows their situations and his timing is perfect.  We really do believe that! We continue to stand in the gap for Guadalupe.  She was not accepted at the special education school, so the Ministry of Education is referring her to a public school that has Special Ed. services .  There is also a teacher who is trained in behavioral disorders.  Typically here in Costa Rica, the child is seen on a weekly basis.  However, in Guadalupe’s case, we recommend she be seen every day.  The lady at the Ministry of Education told us that they didn’t have the resources to do that, but that she would call the school we are looking at to see what they can do.  She has not yet gotten back to us.  This has been a long, harrowing experience.  Pray for wisdom on how to help our girl and do what’s best for her.

We received good news a couple of weeks ago; siblings Daniel and Brithany have been placed with a family from Spain.  Right now, we are waiting for the family to send a letter of intent before it is official.  The children do not know yet, as it usually takes a couple of weeks to receive the letter from the parents.  The siblings have  been with us a little over a year.  Please pray for them as they will soon begin a new chapter in their lives.

This past week, we received an email from the attorney handling the case of brothers, Stuard and Josua.  If you remember, in our April newsletter we mentioned that they had been declared abandoned, but that their mother had appealed the decision.  Their case was remitted to a higher court where 3 judges would review it.  Well, they decided to uphold the decision of the lower court, so the boys are now officially declared abandoned, no more appeals!  All this means that their file will be sent to the Office of Adoptions where they will begin promoting them for adoption.  We ask that you pray because Stuard already turned 10 this year and it can be difficult to place a “pre adolescent,” but we know that nothing is impossible for God!

The Psalm on the front of this page declares God’s goodness to each of us.  The reason we share these stories is because we believe that “Prayer moves the hand of God” and we encourage you to pray for the children.  Learning about them isn’t by chance, it’s a call to action to stand in the gap for these little ones who can’t stand alone.