Ministry News

Today we received a “Thank you” note from Lifeline Adoption Agency in the U.S.  It read: Thank you so much for all your hard work and advocacy for the children of Costa Rica.  We know it is a big job with many challenges; however, you are making an eternal impact on the lives of thousands of children everyday.  So many children now have loving, forever families because of your passion and diligence.  Our hearts and prayers are with you always.  We love you, and we are so grateful for you!

What a sweet reminder that everything we do has an eternal impact in the lives of every child that comes to us.  Sometimes it’s hard, especially for our house parents who have to deal with the children daily.  Sometimes, they feel like pulling their hair out or just packing up and leaving.  But it’s the call of God that keeps them here.  It’s His mandate to make a difference that encourages them to press on.  Please pray for Esteban & Gaby, and Jairo & Karla.  Pray for God’s wisdom for each challenge they face.  Pray for patience, compassion, and love for every child, no matter how difficult they are.  Pray that they would remember that there is an eternal reward to those who diligently serve Him.

Last month we mentioned that Richard & Sandra’s file is currently being reviewed by a potential adoptive family.  The family has requested additional information with regards to their academic performance in school.  Last week, we asked their teachers for reports with regards to their progress.  Thankfully, they gave them to us promptly and we have delivered them to the Office of Adoptions.  We are now waiting to see what the family decides.  Both Richard and Sandra have struggled since the beginning of the year.  The transition of Aaron & Candace out of the home and two sets of siblings leaving in adoption the latter part of January has really taken a toll on these affectionate siblings.  They are misbehaving so much, but we feel that the root is their desperate desire to have their own family.  Please pray that God would provide the perfect home for this dynamic duo.

A special trio received good news during the mid year break.  Aliza, Lion, and Zhion were told that they had been matched with a family!  The kids were thrilled to know that  they would be moving to the U.S. in a matter of months.  House parents Gaby & Esteban shared an amazing story with us just before all of this took place.  One morning, Aliza came downstairs and told Gaby that she had a dream the night before.  In her dream, there was a bright light that was calling her name, but she was cautious about approaching it.  Out of the blue, Valeria (Gaby & Esteban’s daughter) pushed her towards it.  The light spoke to her and told her that something very good would be happening soon for her and for her little brothers.  She told Gaby, “I know that was God speaking to me and I believe we’re going to get a family soon!”  Two weeks later, the case worker from Adoptions came out to give them the good news!  Proof that you’ve got to have faith like a child!

A few days ago, our house parents mentioned that one of their kids had been in their home for 2 years.  The boy remember the date that he arrived here at the A.P.  He told  them that he was glad to be here because God has changed his life so much since arriving.  He’s right, God has made a significant difference in his life and in the lives of countless children who have grown up here!

We want you to know that your monthly gift allows you to be a part of that “change” in each child’s life.  You are making an eternal impact on every boy and girl that comes through our doors.  Thank you so much for your unselfish sacrifice and for being a meaningful part of their journey.