Project Panama

Stephen, Georgiana, Steve, Jr., Kendra, and William Castro traveled to Panama for a 4 day jaunt to “Spy out the land.”  We are getting excited as Steve and Kendra begin planning and preparing for their future ministry in that beautiful country.

We visited SENNIAF (Child Protective Services) where we met with the sub-director and shared our vision and plan to help children at risk in Panama.


We visited Malambo an orphanage located in Panama’s Arraijan district.  They have approximately 150  children, many of whom had been abandoned—some because of illness or disability.


On one of the days we looked for future property and prayed for God’s wisdom and direction.


Steve, Jr. officiated our first “unofficial” board meeting.


Members who were present: Stephen, Jr., Georgiana Thomas, Samuel Guevara, and Heidi Guevara.  Caleb Thomas was not available.


The trip was incredibly productive and the Lord opened many doors with government contacts, local ministry leaders, and more!  So thankful for this opportunity and looking forward learning how we can be instrumental with children at risk in Panama!